APRIL 2002

8711 So. 36th St.
Omaha, NE 68147

Otto Sutej has been selceted to be our representative to the N.F.C.A Convention this year. I have selected Otto due to his interest in all Croatian organizations and activities. Otto expressed an interest in attending the convention. I feel we will be well represented at the convention. Otto will be reimbursed for his air fare by the Society to attend the convention.

Jim Kresnik has been a representative for the past few years and is a midwest Boardmember of the N.F.C.A. He has done a fine job, and I'm sure he will continue to stay active in the N.F.C.A.

The April dinner will be meatloaf with all of the trimmings accompanied by good fiends and, fellow Society members. Don't miss it! Mark the date April 28th on your calendars.

In lieu of the monthly Sunday dinners during the summer we will have burger and hot dog! nights. Mark your calendars for the Weds nights of May 15, June 5th, and 19th, July 3rd and 17th and Aug. 7 and 21st. For $4.00 you will receive either 2 hot dogs or 1 hamburger, fries and a soft drink. Can't beat it any where.

Everyone get ready for-another night of great entertainment. The Society is co-sponsoring with the Sts. Peter and Paul Athletic-Club a Croatian Mass with Ed Grisnik and the St., John's Choir of Kansas City, KS on June 22, at the 5 PM Mass at Sts. Peter and Paul Church. The Mass will be followed-by a dinner and dance held at Sts. Peter and Paul Gym at 6 PM. The proceeds of this event will go towards the Sts. Peter and Paul Parish. Price: $15.00 per person.


Helene is always willing to lend a hand. Helene and Joe are charter members of the Society. Helene is responsible for the seasonal decorations and door prizes. Helene has helped with our yearly audits for several years. You could always find her either in the kitchen cutting desserts or cleaning tables at all of the fish fries and dinners. Helene is a regular at all of our Society functions. Thanks Helene for all of your hard work that you give to make our Society a success. Your efforts are appreciated.


Barbara Brundo, Kenneth and Rose Dragon, Ed Bursick, Bob & Carol Walter, Helen Fonfara, Rose Stillmock, Henry & Teresa Kroenke, Frank Kompare, and Rob & Brenda Larsen. Welcome!

Words to increase your Croatian vocabulary:

Bird--- Ptica
Sparrow--- Vrabac
Owl ---- Sova

Bernie Lorkovic President of CCS
