Omaha Heritage & Culturefest Center
Founded March 30, 2002
TDO Homepage
Contact Tour d' Omaha
Tour d'Omaha Scenic and Historical Links
General John J. Pershing
John J. Pershing 1860-1949
Omaha's Trans-Mississippi & International Exposition - 1898
Overhead Map of the Trans Mississippi Exposition Grounds - 1898
Aerial pictorial of the TME gounds - Omaha, NE - 1898
Historic Florence
Florence Mill
Florence Depot
Omaha's Early Explorers & Fur Entrepreneurs
Jean Pierre Cabanne
Lucien Fontennelle
Peter Sarpy
Manuel Lisa
More Manuel Lisa
The Fur Trade and the Impact on the Otoe Nation
Ft. Atkinson, NE State Park
Ft. Atkinson, NE in
Nebraskaland Magazine
Subscribe Today!
Ft. Atkinson by NebraskaStudies.Org
Ft. Atkinson, NE
Ft. Atkinson, NE 1820-1827
Map of Ft. Atkinson
(small overhead view of Fort)
Desoto Bend, IA and Ft. Atkinson, NE
-Recommended Travel Sites
As above - affiliated with
Rough Guides
Nebraska State Historical Sites - Student Projects- Ft. Atkinson, Mormon Cemetery, and more...
Ft. Atkinson Muzzleloaders & Related Events
Washington County Historical Links - Ft. Atkinson, Genealogy, Barn Again!
Boyer Chute National Wildlife Refuge
UNL Water Center- Missouri River Wetlands
UNO Student's Essay on Missouri River Wetland Restoration
Nebraska Game & Parks - Boyer Chute Trails
Lewis & Clark Expedition Sites in Nebraska and Iowa along the Missouri River
Nebraska Scenic Byways- Lewis & Clark Tourist Attractions along Highway 75
Boyer Chute National Wildlife Refuge and Maps
Missouri River Restoration
American Rivers - Gateway to Missouri River Restoration Links
Teacher Resources
Missouri River Adventures in Class (Grades4-12)
Created: March 15, 2002
Modified: June 17, 2002
Event Coordinator